Robotics Technician

Robotics Technician
Training Programme



The purpose of this skills programme is to prepare a learner to understand the fundamentals of Robotics, do basic maintenance and services on
Industrial Robots as well as how to operate Industrial Robots within Industry. 

This skills programme provides the basic foundation of Industrial Robotics and how Robots can be used in a plant or a manufacturing system. The Programme covers an introduction to Robotics, Robot Classification, Manipulators and End Effectors, Servo Systems, Object Detection, Robot Programming, Robot Safety, communications, AI and Autonomous Robots. Areas of study include motion programming, palletizing, conveyor systems, computer networking, automated sorting systems, vision and tactile sensors and computer integration.








• Industry Specific Training
• On-Line Technical and Tutorial support
• Internationally recognised
• Locally accredited
• Hands-on lab experience through software simulation that simulates the behaviour of electronic circuits in a WorkPlace.




One of the main learning features of the Robotics technical program is the complete integration of laboratory experiments and projects within the presentation of the Robotics theory. The simulation software, RoboLogix, converts your computer into a simulated industrial robot, complete with four 3D learning environments which emulate Pick and Place, Arc Welding, Spot Welding and Paint applications. You can run the simulator to test and visually examine the execution of robot programs and control algorithms, while plotting instantaneous joint accelerations velocities and positions.

RoboLogix Simulation 

RoboLogix simulation software includes approximately 60 lab projects presented in four 3D application environments. It introduces the concepts of multi-axes robots and demonstrates how they can be used in a plant or manufacturing system.

Users gain practical, “hands on” programming of an industrial robot through a combination of teach-pendant programming and 3D simulation environments. These environments include pick and place, spray painting and spot and arc welding.

The RoboLogix programming environment provides a very realistic simulation of control systems using robotic equipment. The ability to preview the behavior of a robotic system in a “virtual” world allows for a variety of mechanisms, devices, configurations and controllers to be tried and tested by students before being exposed to “real world” systems.

RoboLogix receives control signals, determines if contact or collision between objects in the system has occurred, and returns simulated sensor information as feedback. This system has the capacity of real-time simulation of the motion of an industrial robot through 3D animation. The principles of 3D motion simulation and both geometry modeling and kinematics modeling are presented in the RoboLogix virtual environment.